Monday, March 15, 2010

Thank you, workshop participants.

Dear students in Paris,

Thank you so much for participating in this blog with my American students. I know it was only for a few days, but you have given one another some new and interesting perspectives about your countries, customs and languages.

At the moment, Anderson University is on Spring Break for 10 days. Some students go to Florida in search of sunshine. Others go home to visit their family and friends, and many have to work in order to help pay for their university education, which costs quite a bit in the United States. After classes start back up again, we will have 2 weeks of class and then a 5 day weekend for Easter before the final push of the semester. By mid-May, classes, exams and commencement ceremonies will be over.

Keep up the good work. We think you are doing a wonderful job learning English.


Prof. Newbold