Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Three Questions for American Students: Why French? Fast food? Vacation?

Our first post comes from French high school students participating in an Intensive English Workshop in Paris. They have several questions for American students studying English in the US. In the video, Hassen asks three questions.

What do you think? Comment on the post and leave your answers!

Hassen is a French high school student. He lives in Paris, in the 11th arrondisement (district).


  1. Thanks for your questions, Hassan. I will ask my students to post answers to your questions in the next two days, and I will give my answer to the first question right away.

    I have always loved French, maybe because my grandmother gave me an awesome miniature necklace/locket/dictionary/magnifying glass when I was about 16 years old. All my friends wanted to open it and look up a word. Also, I visited Canada where French is spoken in some provinces. Then I met a Parisian named Monique who was a salesperson in a boutique that sold lingerie. My mother told her that I could speak French. Well, I tried, and Monique was so glad to have someone to speak with in French. She taught me the names of all the items in the store (we didn't learn that in French class:) My French teacher in high school was very strict, but a good teacher who had her doctorate in French literature. Finally,I got to study in Nantes when I was in my third year of college. I thought that French was a beautiful language, and I still do. One more comment. I think you speak English pretty well. Bravo!

  2. I chose to study french when I was in high school. I have always thought that it was a very beautiful language, and I love the European culture. I took a few french classes in high school, and we took a trip to France. I really enjoyed being there, and I love speaking the language. So, I have continued taking classes in college. I hope to spend some time in France this summer!


  3. Hello Hassen,
    about fast-food, yes that can be true that Americans eat alot of fast-food. I believe this is because many Americans do not spend time cooking a meal. For many Americans, fast-food is quick to receive and easy. It is not a common part of our culture to sit as a large group and eat a meal. Many Americans are always moving quickly between work and other activities. I would say that I eat fast-food once a week, sometimes once during two weeks.



  4. Answers to Hassen's questions on fast food and vacations can be found in new posts above. There are also some questions for you to answer. Thank you.

  5. Hi Hassen,
    I chose to study French after I attended a party at my high school that was supposed to get students interested in studying French. I enjoyed the food, had a good time, and wanted to learn more about France. I also took French because at my school it was a smaller class and I would be able to have more individual time with the teacher.


  6. Hassan,
    In high school, spanish was actually the language I chose to study. I was enrolled in fourth year spanish, but the professor did not think I was ready for the advanced level of speaking. So instead of banishing the love of foreign language, I stumbled upon taking a french class my senior year of high school instead. Turns out I loved the language. I have always had a passion for Europe, but taking the language has immersed me even farther into the love for the country. I thoughly enjoy learning the language, culture, and lifestyles of people in France. French is a language I am hold a lot of passion for.
    with love,

  7. Hassen,
    The reason that I chose to study French was the fact that I had already studied Latin, Chinese, and Spanish, and wasn't very fluent in any of them. This time around I wanted to try something new and exciting, a language that I could actually learn how to speak, and remember how to speak it! I have always loved the French language and have really enjoyed learning more and more about it everyday. Hopefully some day I can travel to Paris and put what I've learned to the test!

  8. Hassen,
    I am actually studying French right now because
    I am majoring in Spanish, and the university requires that I study another language. However, I also have a love for foreign languages. It is such a great opportunity to be able to communicate with people of other cultural and linguistic backgrounds! I would love to travel to Europe one day and be able to speak with people in many different countries like France. I think the French language is beautiful, and I am excited to know at least a little bit of it. You are doing very well with your English!

    Jennifer Shelton

  9. Hassan,
    I chose to take french because I find it to be a very beautiful language. I am also very intrigued by French culture. I saw the french course at my college as an oportunity to learn more about French culture as well as prepare myself for a possible trip to France or Africa one day.
    -Megan Phillips

  10. Students in America have get a lot of vacation time, but adults in America don't receive as many depending on their jobs. I am not sure when and how long your vacations are in France to compare to the Americans, but I do think we get a lot. We have Thanksgiving, Fall, Christmas, Spring, and Summer break. All varying from a week to two and a half months.


  11. Hello Hassen!

    We have quite a bit vacation in America. For the college level, we get breaks for certain holidays: Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving. We also get a Spring break and Summer. Winter (Christmas) break is about 3 weeks long, both Thanksgiving and Easter breaks are about 4 days long. We get a week off for Spring Break, and 3 months for Summer in between school years. High school breaks are a little bit shorter for Winter break; they're only about a week long. Hope this helps answer your question, and good job on your english!


  12. It would be difficult to answer a question for all Americans because of the many different cultures that are present. I, for instance, come from a French family and a German family, and we place a high value on eating together as a family. My family does not often eat at fast food restaurants.

    I live in an area with few fast food restaurants, but there is a local pub, a café, a bakery, and a clothier. There are also outdoor markets in warmer weather, and in the winter our fruits and vegetables are delivered to us (but we still venture into the cold to buy cheese!)

  13. Hello Hassen!!

    I would like to answer your question about fast food. I can't speak for all Americans because some people are strongly against fast food, and for good reason. Most fast food here in America is absolutely terrible for your body and contains a lot of preservatives and chemicals.

    I love to eat fast food even though I understand that it can make you fat and harm your heart. I tend to steer clear of McDonald's and other really greasy fast food joints. I eat a lot of fast food from Taco Bell, I don't know if you have any of those in France but it's basically a American Mexican restaurant that serves our rendition of Mexican food. It tends to be a good amount healthier than other places and a lot less greasy.

    Americans are always on the go and we rarely give ourselves much time for lunch. I barely have time to eat most days until dinner time at 5pm, so I choose a very fast alternative for lunch and often times skip breakfast. I think most people in America choose fast food for these reasons as well. I eat fast food probably 2 or 3 times a week if not more on some really busy weeks.

    Would I eat this much fast food if I had more time to cook? No, I enjoy to cook and making homemade meals because it is cheaper and generally better for you. It is simply a necessity at this stage in my life. Is this true for all Americans? I don't know I think a lot of people just really enjoy it and are too lazy to cook for themselves because it isn't heavily taught in America.

  14. Hello Hassan,

    I chose to study French because I think it is a beautiful language and I wanted to learn how to speak it. I also hope to visit France someday so it would be useful to know how to speak at least a little bit of your language. I studied French when I was in high school and now I am continuing to study it in college. I am not fluent, but I hope to learn enough to be able to communicate common needs whenever I am able to visit France.


  15. Hello, Hassan,
    In America we do eat quite a bit of fast-food mostly because it is quick and easy to get, and most of the time it is pretty inexpensive. Personally, I feel like a lot of people are just really busy, and if they can just get to a drive-thru quickly, that is what they choose. In the college town where I live, there are many fast food restaurants where you can get anything from fish, tacos, burgers, and even pasta. With such quick access to food, many people would rather go out and get food quickly and easily rather than make it themselves at home.

    Est-ce que vous mangez beaucoup de fast-food?

    Jenise Vega

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. We do have a significant amount of vacations in the United States. In general, public schools have more one-day vacations, such as President's Day, than private schools, but many schools are now working to lessen these short vacations in order to lengthen others, such as Thanksgiving break, Christmas break, and Spring Break. We do have a fairly long summer break as well, lasting about three months usually. During these vacations, however, many students choose to do a short-term study abroad or to take classes, and others often work. I prefer to travel during vacations. :)

    Est-ce que vous aimez voyager? Vous voulez visiter les Etats-Unis?

    Au revoir!
    Mandy Schumerth

  18. I chose to study french for a few reasons. For one, I had a brilliant French teacher in High School who was able to teach French very effectively. Also, I wanted to learn a language which would complement my future degree in history. Est-ce que tu aimes apprendre l'Anglais?

  19. Well Hassen, in America we do allow ourselves to have plenty of time off for vacations, but no one ever feels like it's enough. We don't take too many vacations, but we manage to find some quality time to relax. In America there are often mini-vacations that include just one day off.
    Avez-vous beaucoup de vacances?

  20. Here is our video!

  21. Tout d'abord, je vous remercie pour tout vos commentaires. Je vais ensuite essayer de répondre à vos questions, mais je tiens à dire que c'est mon avis et je ne peux pas généraliser :
    - Pour répondre à la question de Jenise Vega(Est-ce que vous mangez beaucoup de fast-food?), je trouve que c'est une nourriture qui est assez délicieuse, je n'en mange pas beaucoup car je sais que c'est n'est pas bon pour la santé mais cela me permet souvent de retrouver mes amis autour d'un repas et je trouve cela assez sympa. En France, les fast-food que je fréquente sont souvent semblable aux restaurants, c'est un endroit assez posé dans lequel on peut resté librement assis pour parler.

    - Pour répondre à la question de Mandy Schumerth (Est-ce que vous aimez voyager? Vous voulez visiter les Etats-Unis?) j'ai tendance à être assez curieux par conséquent j'aime voyager, je trouve génial le fait; de voir d'autres cultures, comment vivent les autres et voir nos différences. J'aimerais également visité les États-Unis pour avoir une idée sur comment vivent les gens et leurs ambiance et pour admirer l'architecture et par la même occasion améliorer mon anglais.

    - Pour répondre à la question de Matt (Est-ce que tu aimes apprendre l'Anglais?) A vrai dire j'aime bien apprendre mais je t'avoue que c'est assez difficile à bien maitriser car niveau grammaire et conjugaison je ne suis pas au top ^^ mais je trouve que cette langue a de jolis son et dans le monde de nombreuses personnes parle anglais, c'est pourquoi j'aime bien apprendre car cela me permettra de communiquer avec plus de personnes.

    - Pour répondre à la question de Sarah (Avez-vous beaucoup de vacances?)Alors faut tout d'abord savoir qu'en été nous n'avons pas 3 mois de vacances mais 2 et au cours de l'année nous avons environ 2 semaines de vacances tous les 1 mois et demi donc sur l'année nous avons 2 semaines en octobre/novembre, en décembre/janvier, en février/mars et en avril/mai on a donc au cours de l'année scolaire 2 mois de vacances, je pense pas que c'est beaucoup ni peu mais je pense plutôt que c'est le nombre idéal car tout les 1 moi et demi nous avons la possibilité de se reposer et de sortir pour se changer les idées.

    - Pour les questions de Patience et Jennifer 1) Est-ce que vous aimez beaucoup le pain?

    2) Est-ce que vous sortez avec vos petits-amis dans un groupe?

    Je tien d'abord à dire que c'est courageux d'avoir parler français et que c'est pas mal du tout :) et ensuite pour la réponse à la 1er question je tien tout d'abord à souligner que c'est mon avis et que je ne peut pas définir cela pour tous les français mais personnellement j'aime bien le pain surtout les baguette et le pain tradition ^^ ce sont mes préférés je les utilise presque à tous les repas avec du fromage ou de la sauce.
    Et pour la 2eme question, je ne pas répondre entièrement car actuellement je n'ai pas de petite-amie mais je sors presque tous les week-end avec un groupe d'amis nous aimons aller au ciné, jouer au bowling et jouer aux jeux vidéo

    J'éspère avoir oublié personne et avoir répondu correctement a vos questions, J'attend avec impatience vos nouvelles.
    Hassen Makni

  22. Waa ! il y a beaucoup de questions ici !! alors ...

    Pour les fast-food je dois avouer que c'est un endroit que nous (mes amis et moi) aimons bien et où nous allons souvent car là-bas nous pouvont être ensemble autour de quelque chose à manger.
    En plus c'est assez pratique pour nous car prêt de notre lycée il y a pas mal de fast-food et quand nous avons du temps entre les cours à midi nous y allons.Mais personnellement même si je trouve les fast-food très bon j'essaye de ne pas y aller trop souvent non plus car ce n'est pas ce qu'il y a de meilleur pour la santé !!

    Pour ce qui est des voyages ... oui j'adore voyager ! je suis déjà aller dans un bon nombre de pays en europe mais c'est sur que les Etats-Unis sont quand même incontournable !! D'ailleurs avec des amis nous comptons y aller mais nous attendons nos 21 ans pour être majeur au Etats-Unis car sinon nous ne pourrons pas faire grand chose. En plus ca serait l'occasion d'améliorer notre anglais !!
    Peut être donc qu'on viendra vous voir d'ici quelques années ^^' !!

    En tout cas merci beaucoup pour tous ces commentaires et ces questions.
    A bientôt !!

    Alix Leng.
